The Polar Bear’s Secret

Pop quiz: What colour is a polar bear’s skin?

Did you guess “white”?

It’s the obvious answer, isn’t it, because their fur is white.

Surprisingly, though, you’d be wrong.

If you shaved a polar bear, you’d discover that it would look much like its cousin, the black bear.

That’s right: polar bears have black skin!

Don’t believe me? Here’s a clue: check out their noses and foot pads. They’re both black. Their thick fur so completely hides the blackness underneath that you’d never know it’s there.

Not only that, but polar bears’ fur isn’t actually white.

Pardon me?

It’s true! Their outer coat of fur consists of translucent hollow hairs that scatter and reflect visible light. These hairs have no white pigment, but merely appear white due to an optical trick involving the physics of light.

The polar bears certainly had us fooled, didn’t they?

And they’re not the only ones.

There are people whose lives have been so thoroughly changed by the gospel of Christ that you’d be shocked to discover their dark past.

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The Stand-In

Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter.
Photo by longplay on Flickr.

If you’re a Harry Potter fan, this post might have special resonance for you.

While much media attention has focussed on the astonishing success of the Harry Potter juggernaut over the years, perhaps less attention has been paid to the stories of the unsung heroes behind the scenes who have worked so hard to create the films in the franchise.

A recent documentary, “David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived,” sheds light on the poignant story of one of these individuals.

David Holmes was chosen early on to be the stunt double for Daniel Radcliffe, who played Harry Potter in the films. Starting with the very first film, and for the next ten years, David and Daniel worked closely together and developed a strong bond.

David’s exceptional talents as a gymnast enabled him to perform breathtaking stunts. As a stand-in for Daniel, David’s skills were brought into play whenever a stunt was deemed too dangerous for the lead actor himself.

All went well, until the filming of the next-to-last Harry Potter movie in 2009.

While filming a scene for “Harry Potter and the Deathly Harrows, Part One,” a tragic accident left David paralyzed with a spinal injury, turning his world upside down.

The documentary is an inspiring account of David’s story and of the bond that still exists between the two men. It also depicts the reverberations the accident had on Daniel’s life, and how he navigated the complex mix of guilt and admiration brought on by seeing the great cost his friend bore for taking his place.

And therein lies the lesson we can learn from this as believers.

We, too, have someone who stood in our place and paid a terrible price for doing so.

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The Greatest Miracle of All

Image by Chil Vera from Pixabay

What would you pick as Jesus’ greatest miracle?

Feeding the 5,000 with just five loaves and two fish?

Yes, that definitely rates as one of Jesus’ greatest hits.

Calming a storm with only His words?

That one would make the top ten as well.

How about walking on water?

Oh, now we’re getting somewhere! That miracle surely places in the top three.

Wait a second….we haven’t mentioned Jesus’ raising of the dead. He did that several times: the widow of Nain’s son, Jairus’ daughter, and Lazarus.

That has to be Jesus’ greatest miracle!

Doesn’t it?

Perhaps not. Perhaps none of these is Jesus’ greatest miracle.

But if that’s true, then what would qualify?

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The Ultimate Makeover

Photo by Neriman Özaydın via Pexels

We all love before-and-after transformations, don’t we?

The dramatic TV makeover that transforms a Plain Jane into a femme fatale.

Or the renovation that turns a dated, nondescript room into something fit for the pages of “House Beautiful” magazine.

But TV shows and magazines aren’t the only places to find dramatic makeovers.

There are astonishing before-and-after changes in the Bible, too.

One example of this is found in Peter, the brash, impulsive disciple of Jesus. A bit hot-headed, Peter was often afflicted by “foot-in-mouth” disease.

When we first meet Peter, he’s working as a fisherman. When Jesus provides the group with a miraculous catch of fish after they’d worked all night and caught nothing, Peter is scared. He says, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” ((Luke 5:1-10)

The demonstration of Jesus’ holiness and miracle-working power leaves Peter shaken.

Another snapshot of Peter is seen when he and the disciples are in a boat with Jesus. A storm whips up and they are afraid for their lives; Jesus, however, is asleep. Peter and the others wake Jesus up and say, “Don’t you care that we’re about to die?” (Matthew 8:23-27)

The prospect of imminent death rattles Peter.

Our last view of Peter occurs when Jesus has been arrested. Peter skulks around to see what will become of him while at the same time trying to disassociate himself from Jesus. When a of couple servant girls insist that he was definitely a friend of Jesus, Peter doesn’t have the courage to admit it. (Matthew 26:69-74)

The possibility of getting in trouble compels Peter to clam up about the truth.

But what a difference a day makes!

I’m referring, of course, to Resurrection day!

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